Link by Language > eo - en - fr - ko - id - is - ja - pt - ru - sl - uk - zh Pastafarians now rival Christians in French-speaking wikipedia. See also: Editing Philosophies |
56 users manifest their beliefs in total.
5,973 users manifest their beliefs in total.
527 users manifest their beliefs in total.
192 users manifest their beliefs in total.
32 users manifest their beliefs in total.úarlegum_viðhorfum
1,104 users manifest their beliefs in total.
583 users manifest their beliefs in total.!Wikipedistas_por_crença_ou_religião
295 users manifest their beliefs in total.Категория:Википедия:Участники_по_отношению_к_религии
56 users manifest their beliefs in total.
122 users manifest their beliefs in total.
1: 支持言论自由的维基人 (503 / 13%) | 2: 维基和平主义者 (317 / 8.2%) | 3: 维基自由主义者 (315 / 8.2%) |
4: 维基无神论者 (279 / 7.2%) | 5: 维基环保主义者 (279 / 7.2%) | 6: 作为世界公民的维基人 (249 / 6.4%) |
7: 支持真正男女平等 (182 / 4.7%) | 8: 信奉基督教的维基人 (148 / 3.8%) | 9: 信奉三民主義 (130 / 3.4%) |
10: 關注全球暖化 (130 / 3.4%) | 11: 信奉政教分離的人 (121 / 3.1%) | 12: 反對暴力 (78 / 2%) |
13: 支持廢除死刑 (76 / 2%) | 14: 支持死刑制度 (75 / 1.9%) | 15: 反对好大喜功的维基人 (71 / 1.8%) |
16: 不认同法轮功的维基人 (68 / 1.8%) | 17: 认同道家思想的维基人 (67 / 1.7%) | 18: 信奉佛教的维基人 (56 / 1.4%) |
19: 反對性暴力 (56 / 1.4%) | 20: 维基共产主义者 (55 / 1.4%) | 21: 人文主义维基人 (54 / 1.4%) |
22: 支持市场经济的维基人 (50 / 1.3%) | 23: 支持全球化的维基人 (42 / 1.1%) | 24: 认同国父思想的维基人 (41 / 1.1%) |
25: 信仰社會主義 (41 / 1.1%) |
3,865 users manifest their beliefs in total.
The charts are generated from subcategory pages of "Category:Wikipedians_by_religion" of wikipedias in each language. Some include also beliefs unrelated to religions.
Last update: 15/3/2009
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